How to manage the Header Section


Last Update 2 jaar geleden

1. Side Identity Section

Step1 => First, go to the Appearance > Customize > Header > Side Identity section

Step2 => Now add the Logo, Site Title, Tagline, and Logo width 

Step3 => Now check the checkbox to display the Site Title and Tagline

Step4 => Here, you can add the Site Icon to display in the Browser's tab

Step5 => here, you can manage the Font size of the Site Title and Site Description

2. Header Style

Step1 => First, go to the Appearance > Customize > Header > Header Style section

Step2 => From here we can change the Header Type of the site

3. Above Header

Step1 => First, go to the Appearance > Customize > Header >Above Header section

Step2 => Now Add Left Info, Right Info

Step3 => Now add both title and link

Step4 => Now check the checkbox to display the left information and the right information

Left Info

Right Info

4. Header Navigation

Step1 => First, go to the Appearance > Customize > Header >Header Navigation section

Step2 => Now add Title, Close Text, to cart

Stap3 => Now add Title, Subtitle, Link to contact information

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